Corvallis, Oregon
Master's from Oregon State!
Jacque, Julia (sister) and Judy (friend) in Denver
Roselyn's Birthday Dinner in Hamilton
Mark, Lael, Kris and Benji Miller at Miller's Farm in Middlebury
Dave, Shelly, Henry and Holland Griffith in Seattle
Bob and Wendy Brandeberry at Yosemite
Len and Jacque in Yosemite
Patty Katzer (friend) and Jacque
Jacque, Len with Colleen and Russ (friends) at "Art Prize" Grand Rapids
Jason Lanman (Wendy's son) Len, Jacque and Beth Bender (friend and boat owner)
Watching our 60 year old spruces come down 🙁
Watching our new spruce trees being planted
Watching the festivities on St. Patrick's Day in Chicago
With "Can Man" in Chicago
Our new crab apple and spruce trees
Bathroom Remodel Started in February 🙁
The Miller fam at the Lake
Wes's Aunts & Uncles
Lou Mierau, Bonnie Bailey, Wes, Laura, Judy & Lonnie Miller