On January 2nd, Wes and Laura (Cooprider) got married in West Lafayette. They are both in school at Purdue, although Laura graduates Dec. 19th with a degree in elementary education. Wes has another 1 ½ years for his degree in PE and health education. He is currently working with adults and children that have various levels of  handicaps, and a research program for children with ADHD.  Laura will start off working as a teacher’s aide where she was student teaching.

In August, Roselyn started attending the medical school at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Her cousin, Rochelle (Martin) and Ron Dick, converted their attic into a beautiful apartment for her.  After 6 years of close involvement with the Reba church community in Chicago, it was a big move for her but she is getting to know some new friends there.

Jacque is in her 30th year of teaching elementary school (kindergarten for 8 years). She notes that her new principal is one year younger than her teaching career. Education has become a hot topic in politics and the news, and the “trickle down” effect has filtered down to every area of education. I’ll leave it at that.

I am now able to get the 55 discount at some places. Age brings more health challenges but I dodged the bullet by passing a treadmill test this spring. I’m still working at Syndicate although we’ve been on 4 day weeks this fall. 

Vacation…..aaahhhh….  Jacque and I had a multi-stop vacation this summer starting in Santa Fe to visit Stock and Jan (Len’s sister). They treated us to the local culture and we saw many artist shops. We followed them to Colorado for a two day trip to the “cabin” in the mountains. It was a beautiful experience and we had many great talks over dinner.  From there, we drove to Denver after cruising through Vail.  We found that the GPS only works if you look at it so we went over the Monarch Pass and back.

In Denver, we stayed with Ron and Julia (Jacque’s sister) for 6 days.  Jacque’s niece (Shelly) flew in from Seattle with little Henry, and Kris and Mark are live close by with their children Lael and Benji. Ron and Jul took us on a day trip to Loveland pass (Breckenridge ski resort) where we had a nice picnic along a mountain stream.

We returned to Goshen, were there a week then up to Ontario for the Mierau reunion. While there, we were treated to a surprise theater performance in Stratford. Then we went to Niagara Falls for two days.

Jacque’s note:  In July I went to “Be In Health” Seminar by Henry Wright in Georgia and was thrilled to experience major healing in 2 long standing health issues. I had dry eyes for 16 years and due to a student pulling out a chair 8 years ago, I had had constant pain when I’d sit over an hour and could hardly walk at times the last couple years.  Having tried the doctor route, physical therapy, doing constant exercises, also going the health route, chiropractors, lots of herbs, acupuncture, none were able to really relive the pain.  After this seminar I was able to drive 13 hours with no pain.  To be pain free was amazing.   That  lasted 3 months and at times some symptoms return but tend to be mild.  I am very grateful.