Wes graduating from Purdue

At Goshen Millrace park
Retirement party with Bruce Stahly (superintendent) and Diane Woodworth (superintendent as of 2012)
Tea Party at Vera's October 2012
Wes and Laura at awards banquet March 2012
With Roselyn in Hamilton, Ontario November 2012
(Visit from Bob & Wendy Brandeberry Dec 20th 2012)

December 8, 2012

Dear family and friends, 

 We extend warm wishes from our house to yours.   We made it through the election, the election commercials, the challenges, the drought, and celebrated with 5 young couples getting married.   

Highlights of our family


*He graduated with honors this May from Purdue.

*In July he, Laura, and Riley (their dog) moved to Corvallis, Oregon in July where he is taking graduate courses.

*He and Laura were able to travel with friends visiting Roselyn and Niagara Falls before leaving.

*He flew back for his good friend’s wedding in October.


*She has steadily worked all year in her medical school in Hamilton, Canada.

*She has done different rotations in different areas of Canada and was able to do a one week stent right here in Goshen, Indiana this summer.


*She retired in June after 31 years of teaching and is now “bookkeeper” for our rentals. She likes the new job’s pace and that she does not need to do the new teacher evaluations. (TAP)

*Her sister, Julie, flew in from Denver as a surprise for a gorgeous tea party hosted by a friend.

*She is able to exercise for 60 minutes 3 days a week.  She hasn’t been able to do this since May 2008.  It feels great.

*Len’s note: She cooks, cleans, does laundry, does dishes; I don’t do much of that anymore! She also has time to scout out projects, do some normal fun things.


*At Wes’s graduation he could reflect on 6 years of trips to Lafayette, including the first day he dropped him off. Purdue was a good journey for Wes.

*He took a flying car trip with Wes to visit a potential school in Georgia.

*He and Jacque went for a Thanksgiving visit with Roselyn in Hamilton. It was great fun.

*He gets to go to work every day at Syndicate (Just joking, although retirement is looking better and better).

*Menards is his home away from home.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours,  

Jacque and Len