During the 1950’s, a group of people from Mennonite Churches had a vision to build a summer camp. Their hopes were that getting kids in a nature setting would be a good environment to teach them about God and nature. They purchased Perrin lake, started a camp and sold the remaining land for lots. The Mennonite Church currently owns the camp. John and Leona Brandeberry were one of the original group, and this was the house that they eventually built on the lot in 1977. The downstairs is rented and upstairs is used for family use.

5 Permits and 1 appeal
A little wiring
Utility Room Floor
Lots of Drawings
"Bed Wall" in main bedroom
Some kind of "niche" in the foyer Len had to have.
Foyer with Crown and backlighting. Foyer was created to separate upstairs and downstairs into apartments.
Jacque's dad did all the brickwork on the fireplaceand the outside of the building. 1978

Most of the pics are from the downstairs apartment, upstairs needs cabinets and minor work yet........to be continued.....

Christmas at the Lake!!
Many thanks to Mindy VonAtzigen for her decorating and design help!